Opaque Eyes Of Crystal Vision

Opaque Eyes of Crystal Vision,
Player: Ben
Concept: Creater of Wonder
Caste: Twilight
Campaign: Robin's West
Nature: Investigate that what is interesting, explode that which is boring in an interesting manner.

Strength: 2 Charisma: 3 Perception: 5
Dexterity: 5 Manipulation: 3 Intelligence: 4
Stamina: 2 Appearance: 1 Wits: 2

Compassion: 3 Conviction: 4
Temperance: 1 Valor: 1
Dodge DV 6
Bash: 5 Lethal: 5 Aggravated: 0
Essence 3
Motes CMT Total
Personal 16
Peripheral 37 (10 Commited)
XP: 87 (91 Spent)

Ability Dots
¤ Martial Arts 3
¤ Thrown 4
Athletics 2
¤ Awareness 3
¤ Dodge 4
¤ Linguistics 2
Presence 1
Sail 1
¤ Lore 5
¤ Occult 4
¤ Craft Air 4
¤ Craft Earth 2
¤ Craft Fire 4
¤ Craft Wood 4
¤ Craft Water 2
¤ Craft Magitech 2

Charm Name Duration Costs
Second Awareness Excellency Instant 2m/Success
Second Lore Excellency Instant 2m/Success
Third Lore Excellency Instant 4m
Second Craft Excellency Instant 2m/Success
First Thrown Excellency Instant Motes: 1m/die
Triple Distance Technique
Shadow Over Water Instant Motes: 1
Seven Shadow Evasion Instant Motes: 3
Craftsman Needs No Tools Dramatic, 1hour min: 1w 7m
Harmonoius Academic Method, 1 Week: 1w ?m
Reality Asserting whatchamacallit Instant: ?m
Keen Sense (Sight): Scene, ?m
Spirit Detecting Glance: Scene, ?m

Terrestrial Circle Sorecery
Calling the Winds Kiss
Emerald Countermagic
Written Upon the Water

Swift Perfection - Second Craft + Craftsman Needs No Tools - 7m+2xSuccessm+2 W

Weapon Spc Spd Acc Dam PDV Rate Range
Fine Miniature Grenades 6 9 5l x 3 10
Grenade 6 9 9l x 2 10
Petard 6 8 14l x 1 5
Sling 5 12 7l x 3 200
Chain 5 9 9b 3 3 x
Chain Clinch 6 10 7b 1 2 x

Join Battle
Base ( 5 ) + Spd ( ___ )
Misc ( _ ) - Dmg ( _ )

Orichalcum Chain Shirt
Soaks: Bash: 5 Lethal: 7 Agrv: 0
Hardness: Bash: 3 Lethal: 3 Agrv: 0
Fatigue 0 Mobility: 0

Name Dots
Contacts 1
Followers 2
Resources 3
Artifact 2
Manse 2

Orichalcum Chain Shirt

Collected Materials
Moonsilver, Soulsteel, Jade, Orichalcum, Sand from Striped Beach, Essence Mushrooms


  • Blazing Hyena, Apprentice of Fire, Hot Blooded Smith
  • Sapphire Forest, Apprentice of Wood, Sailing Shipwright
  • Goyit Gokuhi, Apprentice of Air, Resolute Perfectionist
  • Wandering Bat, Apprentice of Water
  • Xi'on, Apprentice of Lore, Illuminated by the Inferno of History, Chair of the Dangerous Wonders Alliance,
  • Shrinking Mouse, Keeper of the Katari, Representitive to the Denzik

1 Nameless Wood Apprentice

  • 25-30 Magitech Apprentices




Creations of Interest
For a Sailing Vessel Worthy of his Skills

Dismissed ideas
Too mundane

Panolopy of the Circle

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